Working From Home Solutions
James Davis, Sales Manager, Birmingham
23 February 2021

Spitfire has been promoting a diverse range of options for working from home. As our valued customers, we would like to show you how we see the evolution of home-working.

Flexible Call Diversion

Firstly, we are able to offer network level diverts with the ability for customers to dynamically control the destination of their calls. Having this control means that you will be able to adapt to rapidly changing restrictions and business requirements with ease.

It’s important to think about calls. We provide business mobile contracts and technical support. Our call rates are competitive and we use a number of networks. We’re able to tailor the solution to your technical needs.

Rest assured that our Account Managers will provide expert advice based on your applications and needs and match product and performance to keep you working.

Hosted Phones

So, this has made you contactable on your terms – what about functionality which delivers productivity from your WFH team?

Our Hosted PBX offerings PBX 2.1 & 3CX Cloud take care of what is technically required to deliver phone system functionality and business collaboration for a distributed workforce.  All features can be managed via portals and reporting and recording solutions can be tailored to your needs. This keeps your teams working effectively at home matching productivity enjoyed when working from the office.

Business Grade Broadband at home

Thinking further on and considering data connectivity, Spitfire is able to provide a range of business grade broadband and Ethernet services  to  home-working employees.   Network congestion can be a major issue for home- working productivity in residential areas but also within the home itself – it may be business critical   to  have  access  to quality broadband.   Are you confident you will get that from your residential connection?  If not, consider a stand- alone connection and remove congestion from the equation when working from home.

Fast start mobile connectivity

As an established Internet Service Provider we appreciate that there isn’t always the luxury of having good broadband infrastructure available. As a result we have developed a number of business grade fixed line alternative Mobile Data products to address this. Rest assured that our Account Managers will provide expert advice based on your applications and their needs and match them with a product to keep you working. Not only can these Mobile Data products provide effective primary connections, they are also excellent diverse backup options.

Multi-site Performance

For the crème-de-la-crème of WFH solutions Spitfire can build a company wide network of home workers with a combination of these products all linked via our core network using MPLS. Managing a diverse workforce then becomes easy with bolt-on products like Firewall as a Service, providing centralised security and web filtering, as well as Cloud Connect, providing on-net performance gains to Azure and AWS and the applications hosted there.