by Peter Goddard, Birmingham Partner Manager | Jun 9, 2022 | Connectivity, Engineering, Hints & Tips, Solutions, Voice
With today’s very volatile markets, the Finance Industry needs to find innovative ways to gather and transfer data, as well as improving the customer experience and detecting any fraudulent activities. Internet of Things (IoT) and emerging technologies is one answer....
by bSUgD9qG1E | May 6, 2022 | Connectivity, Guides, Solutions
Mobile Data Hardware In the world of mobile data the choice of device is key in ensuring the solution works. Spitfire has partnered with Teltonika Networks to deliver a wide range of successful outcomes. How we use hardware to solve the connectivity challenge OFF GRID...
by bSUgD9qG1E | Apr 21, 2022 | Connectivity, Guides, Solutions
Mobile Data Solutions Fixed line Broadband and Ethernet are the default options for many connectivity scenarios but Mobile Data solutions often solve the problems that Fixed line cannot. Spitfire have combined best of breed Mobile Broadband and Ethernet services with...
by Dominic Norton, Sales Director | Mar 25, 2022 | Connectivity, Hints & Tips, Solutions, Voice
With the possible exception of your office coffee machine, there’s nothing more likely to cause frustration or disrupt productivity than a VoIP system that comes between your users and the making of clear, consistent calls. With the financial and functional benefits...
by bSUgD9qG1E | Mar 10, 2022 | Connectivity
Tips on searching for business broadband Dominic Norton, Sales Director 8 March 2022 There shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to business broadband If you use a broadband service at home, can you remember the selection process you went through...
by Dominic Norton, Sales Director | Nov 9, 2021 | Connectivity, Engineering, Hints & Tips, Solutions, Voice
With the vaccine roll out proving to be a success, restrictions easing and life pretty much returning to normal, businesses across the UK are still in the process of evaluating which working models best suit their operation and employees. Some are back in the office...