Spitfire News

IoT (MVNO) Services

6 months on from Spitfire’s launch as a Full Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), we discuss what this means for our customer base.

A landmark Full MVNO agreement with the UK’s leading mobile network operator means that Spitfire’s transformational One Network connectivity solution will provide mobile, cloud and fixed line data connectivity using a single private and secure MPLS network. This completely removes the security risks, latency issues, technical complexities and support restrictions of data traversing the public Internet.


An MVNO, or Mobile Virtual Network Operator, provides the capability for a company to offer mobile communications without the need to own the underlying radio access network infrastructure.

There are various ways to achieve this and therefore varying levels of MVNOs. The easiest way is to White Label/Resell as an MVNO – these companies most likely want to be as hands-off as possible, with the Mobile Network Operator (MNO) doing most of the legwork to deliver the service.

The other end of the spectrum, and the route that Spitfire have taken, is to become a Full MVNO. Companies who are Full MVNOs are responsible for almost everything apart from the radio access network itself, which remains under the MNO. Although a far larger undertaking, the benefits of this Full MVNO approach are that it allows us to have full control over defining the service offerings, providing complete flexibility in product innovation, development and price.


Spitfire’s One Network provides a unified network for fixed line, cloud and mobile. It seamlessly integrates fixed line connectivity and mobile IoT devices, without traversing the public Internet, whilst also providing direct access to cloud services, like Spitfire’s Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) and CloudConnect, meaning you can deploy your entire connectivity eco-system behind a secure centrally hosted firewall. This all means you can deploy your entire connectivity eco-system behind a secure centrally hosted firewall and gives our customers access to a truly private cloud solution whilst significantly reducing security risk and network management.

    • Fixed Line – Fibre Broadband, SoGEA/FTTP Ethernet and Dedicated Fibre Ethernet connectivity for a full range of commercial applications and circumstances
    • Cloud – CloudConnect provides direct connectivity to cloud hosting environments, including Microsoft Azure via ExpressRoute, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) via Direct Connect.
    • Mobile – MVNO IoT SIMs for Machine to Machine (M2M) deployment, and Mobile Ethernet.

One Network is not just a SIM solution – it leverages multiple types of connectivity to establish a secure private MPLS network unifying fixed line, cloud and mobile.

A key differentiator is the management of device security. One approach to securing a device is to use Carrier Grade NAT to translate from a private to public IP address. However, this is really only suitable where a device initiates the transmission and not if remote access is required for management and updates. In this case, a public IP address is needed which then leaves the device open to attack.

As a result secure networks are often implemented using encryption algorithms and IP Sec VPN tunnels. As the number of devices connected increases, however, these become exponentially more complicated and time consuming to deploy.

With One Network you can now seamlessly integrate mobile IoT devices and fixed line connectivity over a secure private MPLS network, without exposure to the public Internet and therefore without the need for encryption algorithms and IP Sec VPN tunnels.

Using Spitfire’s CloudConnect, One Network will also provide direct access to public cloud including, Microsoft Azure via ExpressRoute and Amazon Web Services (AWS) via Direct Connect, removing any security complications with accessing cloud based applications. Fast, easy connection, control and communication between all devices.

Additionally, the pay as you go model ensures you no longer pay for data bundles, eliminating the need to pay for data you don’t use. You pay for what you use and that’s it.

  • Secure data effortlessly – no public Internet traversal!
  • Simplify network management – VPN encryption & management no longer required!
  • Optimize data usage – no more paying for unused bundles!

  • One Supplier – your entire One Network solution, is managed under a single supplier relationship

  • One Bill – everything is accounted and invoiced on the same bill, rationalising and simplifying accounting and management

  • One Contact – fast, direct accountability and ownership with a single Account Manager to handle every aspect of your network connectivity

  • One Network – custom architecture unites your Broadband, Ethernet, Mobile Data and Cloud connections in your own secure private network

We can further extend this network capability to Spitfire’s Unified Network, with the inclusion of third party connected sites and assets where required.

With low TCO and zero end user configuration requirement, One Network enables WAN capabilities that were historically only viable for large enterprises to businesses of all shapes and sizes, including SMEs.

With aggressive and flexible pricing designed to disrupt the market, as well as a wide range of configuration choices including static IP addressing and private APN options, Spitfire IoT SIMs can be deployed in a way that works for you.

For more information on how to maximise the explosive IoT market, simply speak to your Account Manager today!

Hot Topic: The Big Switch Off

As Openreach announces a new date for the PSTN switch off, here are some of the FAQs we have been asked by our customers

2027 is still a long way, why do we need to replace services now?

There are still millions of services to migrate before 31st January 2027, and we anticipate a ‘mad rush’ towards the end of the period, likely leading to a backlog of orders with a risk of missing the deadline and services being negatively impacted. We are also seeing degradation in performance and incremental price increases of these legacy services, so to avoid the rush we recommend you make the move as soon as possible.

What is the FTTP priority exchange rollout?

When FTTP gets to 75% availability within a certain exchange area, Openreach can designate that exchange as a Priority Exchange. At this point you will only be able to order FTTP services (where available), irrespective of whether you would prefer a copper based service such as SOGEA.

What services are available to replace alarm lines, lift lines and payment terminal services?

All special services (alarms, lines, PDQs, fax etc.) currently using WLR analogue lines will need to be upgraded ahead of The Big Switch Off. With typically low data usage on such services, Spitfire’s MVNO SIMs are ideally suited to provide an alternative connectivity option. There are also IP based telephone services to replace analogue services, however you must contact the vendor of these non-voice services to confirm if the device is IP-compatible. If they are not compatible, you will need to replace them with an IP compatible service.  

Will VoIP work if there is a power cut?

Your VoIP telephone service needs to have access to a router to connect to the Internet to make calls. This means that when there’s a power cut, the router will lose access to the internet and the voice service won’t work. However, calls can be diverted at network level to your mobile phone in case of a power failure, so you can continue to receive calls on your VoIP telephone number if there’s no power.

What if I want to wait for FTTP to be available?

If you sign up to suitable All-IP replacement service with Spitfire now, such as SoGEA Broadband, Spitfire will work with you to establish an upgrade path should a new service/technology become available so you can upgrade to a Spitfire FTTP service when available without penalty. Speak to your account manager for further details.

Get ahead of the Great Migration

Pricing Offers

Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)

A fully featured, cloud based, ‘Unified Threat Management’ platform with high availability servers for resiliency.

From just £200pm!


Vorboss Dedicated Fibre Ethernet

1Gb/10Gb Dedicated Fibre Ethernet
from £225pm!

10Gb/10Gb Dedicated Fibre Ethernet from £600pm!

High Bandwidth FTTP Broadband

Price reduction alert!!

1Gb FTTP Broadband from just £55pm

Talk to your Account Manager today
for availability in your area

Product Updates

Spitfire adds FTTP to wholesale partnership with City Fibre

The partnership expands our Dedicated Fibre Ethernet and FTTP Broadband coverage

FTTP Broadband up to 1Gb

Spitfire sign new wholesale partnership with Vorboss

Bandwidth option from 1Gb to 100Gb!

Very competitive DFE pricing

Available in the central London area

Spitfire re-launch wholesale partnership with G.Network

The partnership expands our Fibre coverage even further.

We aim to provide customers with the best coverage, with the shortest lead times, at the most competitive costs.

Spitfire will be Exhibiting at The International Security Expo

25-26th September 2024, Olympia, London

Come and say hi to our IoT Sales Team and let’s discuss how we can support you leveraging our One Network solution and get ahead of the competition

Things You Need to Know

SoGEA Broadband? Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)? Dedicated Fibre? Broadband? Ethernet?

With so many fibre connectivity options available, it can be a daunting task trying to understand the options and find the best circuit for your business.

This short video highlights some of the key differences between the fibre based connectivity options on the market today, helping you understand which may be most suitable for your business needs and why.

This month’s featured case study: FWaaS

Portico Academy Trust deploy Spitfire’s FWaaS

Discover the transformative journey taken by a group of schools within the Portico Trust Academy, a leading brand, as they partner with Spitfire to modernise their communications infrastructure.

Learn how Spitfire’s cutting-edge FWaaS solution fortified Portico’s cybersecurity, ensuring unparalleled protection against evolving threats. Using UTM features such as antivirus, web/email content filtering, anti-spam and more, we streamlined operations and centralised management of their IT estate.

Fun Fact – Did you know? …

In South Africa in 2009, a carrier Pigeon called Winston proved faster at transmitting data than an ADSL service after carrying a 4GB memory stick over a 60 mile distance quicker than 2 ADSL circuits could send, receive and download the data between the same locations.

Fun Fact – Did you know?

In South Africa in 2009, a carrier Pigeon called Winston proved faster at transmitting data than an ADSL service after carrying a 4GB memory stick over a 60 mile distance quicker than 2 ADSL circuits could send, receive and download the data between the same locations.